Custom Headstones in Christchurch, New Zealand

Christchurch is known as the City of Sorrows, and it's right at that very edge of grief and hopes that you can see from the outside in. The earthquakes of 2011 and 2015 left a million people homeless, but even now, two years on, it isn't safe to go out after dark. That makes Christchurch a perfect location for memorial headstones in NZ. People travel from all over the world to be buried in its Presidential Mausoleum, where over 300 people are buried every day to mark their final resting place. But why do they do it? It doesn't just provide a space for grieving friends and family members - headstones have another purpose which is much more personal.

What is a headstone?

A headstone is a piece of stone that sits over the grave of a person who has passed away. They have several purposes depending on the style of headstone and the wishes of the person buried under it. A simple headstone can serve as an enduring monument to a loved one. If a person has passed away and the headstone is a simple stone, it can be buried with the body to serve as a final resting place. If the person buried under the headstone is the person to who the stone is dedicated, the headstone can also serve as a way to remember them.

What kind of memorial service can be performed at a headstone?

A headstone memorial service is a service that is held at the gravesite to commemorate a person buried under a headstone. A headstone memorial service may be a service of remembrance, or a service to celebrate the life of the person who buried the headstone. Depending on the wishes of the person buried under the headstone, a headstone memorial service may be a private service or a public service.

How Does Christchurch Make You Feel?

Many people will never visit Christchurch and so never get a chance to experience its beauty. In reality, most people only see it during the rainy season ( with the exception of the beautiful city centre), which makes it difficult to capture in a photo. If you have been lucky enough to visit Christchurch and its surrounds, then you have probably experienced the city's sadness first-hand. But that doesn't mean that you can't enjoy its beauty while you still can!

Why Do People Build Headstones in Christchurch?

Most headstones in Christchurch are simply a piece of marble or granite quarried close to the grave site. However, a number of headstones are unique, and so were built in the Squaw Valley tradition in the Alpine style. They are beautiful and made from soft woody Alpine trees. While the Squaw Valley tradition is associated with the American West, this style of the headstone was popular in Europe during the 1800s. The Alpine headstone tradition is more widely accepted and is currently the most popular style of headstone in use.


The Custom headstones in NZ that a testament to the life and deeds of people who have trodden this earth. They are a beautiful representation of a country that has been somewhat forgotten after its earthquakes. Many New Zealanders will never visit Christchurch, as its beauty only exists in the distance. However, those that do, will not be able to take it off their head!


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