
Showing posts from July, 2022

What is a headstone

There are many different types of headstones, including Brushed Bronze  What is a headstone? A headstone is the final resting place for the remains of a loved one.  A common style for headstones In NZ , this type is light and attractive.  Alabaster - A soft stone that feels similar to marble, alabaster is ideal for headstones  Stainless Steel - Also known as Classic, stainless steel is fine for most situations.  Carved Wood - Carved wood is especially beautiful when it is unfinished and sanded to a beautiful sheen.  Granite - A popular choice for memorials, granite is beautiful and strong.  Chrome - Chrome is the most expensive option but looks very smart when it is finished.  Monumental - This is the standard option for memorials and cemeteries.  Custom - If you are looking for a truly personal touch, a custom design is the way to go. What type of headstone should you design? There are a few different types of headstones in Christchurch you may want to consider designing.  The

How to Start a Headstones Business in New Zealand

Finding a job in this challenging economic climate can be difficult. But if you have an interest in starting a headstones business, there are resources available to help. Many people think of headstones as a funerary service business, but that’s only part of it. By taking an interest in the restoration and preservation of burial sites, you can support local businesses and become your community’s guardian angel. In this post some tips about how to start a headstones business in New Zealand What is a headstones business? A headstone business is a business that specializes in the repair and maintenance of headstones and cenotaphs. It may also be a company that provides headstone engraving services or a company that creates headstones for a loved one. There are many opportunities to work in this field in New Zealand, including headstone salespeople, headstone installers, headstone writers, and headstone collectors. What skills do you need? To succeed in this business, you’ll need to have e

How to Make a Custom Headstone in New Zealand

Let your loved one rest in peace. This simple yet profound thought is ever present in every New Zealander’s mind as they consider getting a headstone or other gravesite marker made. Once a final decision has been reached, the process of designing, purchasing, transport, and installation can all be handled from the comfort of home. But what if you don’t want to go through the formalities and regulations that come with hiring a funeral home to do the work for you? What if you’re an independent thinker who prefers to make your own grave markers? Or what if you simply don’t want to use pre-existing company A or B when they show up to install your new headstone? We explain everything from choosing a headstone design to creating your own unique engraving options and limitations. So whether you are an artist looking to share your work or an advanced DIYer seeking inspiration without paying thousands in public domain fees, we have something here for everyone! In this article, we take a look at

Custom Headstones in Christchurch, New Zealand

Christchurch is known as the City of Sorrows, and it's right at that very edge of grief and hopes that you can see from the outside in. The earthquakes of 2011 and 2015 left a million people homeless, but even now, two years on, it isn't safe to go out after dark. That makes Christchurch a perfect location for memorial headstones in NZ . People travel from all over the world to be buried in its Presidential Mausoleum, where over 300 people are buried every day to mark their final resting place. But why do they do it? It doesn't just provide a space for grieving friends and family members - headstones have another purpose which is much more personal. What is a headstone? A headstone is a piece of stone that sits over the grave of a person who has passed away. They have several purposes depending on the style of headstone and the wishes of the person buried under it. A simple headstone can serve as an enduring monument to a loved one. If a person has passed away and the head